mahogany: n.【植物;植物学】桃花心木;红木,赤褐色;〔口语〕食桌;餐桌;蜜味杜松子酒。 the Chinese mahogany香椿。 be under the mahogany 醉倒在食桌下。 put [stretch] one's legs under sb.'s mahogany受人款待;作某人的食客。 with one's knees under the mahogany就
Did she understand the significance of the red mahogany 她明白红木意味着什么吗?
I had a red mahogany piano on my little truck 我的小卡车上有一架红木钢琴。
Did she understand the significance of the red mahogany 她能够明白这红木的深切含义吗?
The unbelievable audacity of her grandmother insisting on a red mahogany piano when no one in his right mind would have sold her a piano of any kind 当没有人会考虑卖给她祖母一架任何品牌、任何类型的钢琴时,老人却以令人难以置信的无畏和执拗坚持要一架红木钢琴。
The unbelievable audacity of her grandmother insisting on a red mahogany piano when no one in his right mind would have sold her a piano of any kind 当没有人会考虑卖给她祖母任何一架钢琴时,老人却坚持要一架红木钢琴,这需要常人难以想象的勇气,这一点她能体会吗?